At the Foundation, we receive many patient stories sharing personal battles, some won and some lost--but all show the strength of the human spirit. We wanted to share this story with you because it touched us deeply, and we know it will touch you as well. The author asked to remain anonymous.
Our donor says, "Why this odd amount? This donation of $3,652.00 to the Jefferson Healthcare Foundation Fund may seem like an odd amount, but it is an amount very special and meaningful to me. This January 24, 2024, I am celebrating my 10-year cancer anniversary. I am currently doing fine. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. On January 2, 2017, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Both times it felt like being thrown overboard into raging waters in a storm. The loving, expert, caring oncology team at Jefferson Hospital threw me a life ring and gave me refuge and hope. They shared their vast knowledge, expert experience, and care with me every step of the way--they were like my comrades in the trenches. Because of the oncology team's care over the past ten years, I have seen 3,652 sunrises and 3,652 sunsets on this beautiful blue planet. I have had 3,652 days to do small kindnesses each day. I have had 3,652 days to laugh and have special times with friends and family. I have had precious time to spend with and care for my late husband and sister. I have had 3,652 days to walk on the beach. I have had 3,652 days to try in my small way to make the world a better place. Therefore, I am donating $1.00 for each day the oncology team at Jefferson Hospital gave me. It seems so small for the immeasurably huge gift of 3,652 days I have been given. I thank Jefferson Healthcare for the wisdom and foresight to create the world-class oncology clinic we have here in Jefferson County." "A dollar a day..." or an amount meaningful to you. What a tribute this could be for a loved one, or a way for you to express gratitude AND bring radiation oncology to Jefferson County. Let's all join in to make this vision happen. Your gift will advance our campaign to raise funds for the linear accelerator, the key equipment needed for radiation treatment. If you would like to make a donation to the Jefferson Healthcare Foundation, please visit our website. |
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October 2024
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